My Kaylagirl is 9 years old now. I've always heard how parents say how amazing it is that their kids grow up so fast. Maybe that's why it's hard to accept that they are actually getting older. My memories of her 2 year old birthday party are so fresh in my mind that it's sometimes hard to remember that she can do multiplication and reminds me that she is perfectly capable of staying home by herself (for short periods of time, of course. With me calling and checking on her . . . often. With her telling me that she has to go now when I do call to check on her)
On par with growing up comes the challenges that we all face with experience. Although natural, it doesn't make it any easier for me as a Dad to watch my kids face difficult times. I'm ok with challenges, I like to watch my kids work them out and learn from them. But when their challenges involve heart break or disappointment, my heart breaks for them as well. My greatest desire is to take their hurt from them, to make it better. But I know that my heart breaks and disappointments are what helped me to become who I am today. I still feel as if I didn't really need all of them that I got, but somehow it's worked out fine.
To my Makayla: The other day you told me how your friend at school hurt your feelings because she said you weren't very good at something (3rd grade fair). I know how hard it can be to be told that you aren't good enough. It can hurt and make you feel hollow inside. As your Dad, I want you to know how great you really are. We all look and crave acceptance from those we love. Sometimes we search for acceptance from those that we are better off not being with. I've learned that our true friends are those that lift our spirits in spite of our circumstances (or our deficiencies). That's how you come to find who your true friends are. Friendship is something that will be a huge blessing in your life. Friends can be a source of comfort, love, and support that you will come to depend on at different points in your life. My biggest piece of advice about friendship is to be the best friend that you can be to those around you. Be genuine and be free with your love and support. Friendship is like a lot of things in life, the more you give, the more you receive in return.
So my Makayla, for what it's worth, let your loving personality run wild in your friendships. Understand that not everyone will give back what they receive from you, but don't hold that against them. Be the best friend that you can be to your friends and you will find that you will always be surrounded by people that will do the same for you.
And if that doesn't seem to work out just come to me, wherever I am, and I will just give you snuggles and hugs till you feel better.